A snapshot of the complete source tree, including executables such as mk for its reconstruction and the full set of fonts,
is available as a gzip'd tar file inferno-20150328.tgz.
Download and unpack the archive;
note that the contents of the archive is rooted at inferno.
There are installation instructions in the file INSTALL.
It tells how to change mkconfig and set your path or PATH to the right bin directory
before you can remake the tree using mk.
On Linux systems with a Debian base, such as Ubuntu, to compile the graphical version of the system
you will need the Debian packages libxext-dev, libxpm-dev, and x11proto-xext-dev installed.
You might also need i386 versions of some libraries, since Inferno's emu runs in 32-bit mode only.
On MacOS X, having downloaded and installed the distribution above, you can then download and install pre-compiled executables and
libraries, from the gzip'd tar file macosx-386-bin.tgz.
To keep the system up-to-date after that, you'll need to fetch updates using Git, and recompile using the Apple development environment for C, but the macosx-386-bin package allows you to get started with Inferno sooner.
On some systems, the mk executable has not been built; use makemk.sh to build it.
You'll need to change the definitions at the top of the file to match mkconfig.
A snapshot of the complete source tree, including executables such as mk for its reconstruction, the full set of fonts,
and pre-compiled Windows executables and libraries
is available from this site as a ZIP archive inferno.zip.
The archive contains a single folder inferno which contains the Inferno distribution (and executables etc.)
including the Git repository.
Download and unzip the archive.
The inferno folder within it expects to live at c:\inferno.
If it is located anywhere else, you must edit the file mkconfig (ie, inferno\mkconfig) and change the value ROOT within it accordingly.
To keep the system up-to-date, you'll need to fetch updates using Git, and recompile using the Windows development environment for C,
which Microsoft makes available free to download.